sábado, 27 de octubre de 2007

Words for Peace

En Thomas Ingmire cal·ligraf de qui ja us en vaig parlar i vam veure la seva feina en l'assignatura de Cal·ligrafia ens presenta avui un projecte que us pot interessar: us animo a participar-hi!
Words for Peace is an on-going project with future exhibitions being planned. Please consider participating by creating your own visual statement about world peace. Develop your own sheet or work with your family and friends. You need not be a professional to submit a work. We have received entries from persons representing all ages and walks of life. Our youngest was 4 years old!

The work should be on a 20" x 5" (510 mm x 125 mm) strip of paper. The choice of paper and ink/colors is up to you.

We are interested in getting entries from as many countries as possible. For those of you living in non-English speaking countries, please write messages in your native language and native script if this applies. Please remember to include your name, your country, and your age. To simplify the mailing, fold the work in half and send it flat in an envelop to:

E-Mail: thomas@wordsforpeace.org

Thomas Ingmire
1040A Filbert
San Francisco
CA 94133


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